Home Salary Structure Salary structure of Nigerian Nuclear Regulatory Authority (NNRA)

Salary structure of Nigerian Nuclear Regulatory Authority (NNRA)

The Nigerian Nuclear Regulatory Authority (NNRA) stands as a guardian of safety and responsibility in the realm of nuclear technology within Nigeria. But what does it offer in terms of compensation for those looking to join its ranks? Let’s delve into the salary structure at NNRA, from entry-level positions to higher echelons, and explore what aspiring professionals can expect.

Entry-Level Salaries at NNRA:

For fresh graduates stepping into the NNRA as Graduate Trainees, the starting salary typically falls between ₦45,000 to ₦55,000 per month. This base figure may vary depending on the field and qualifications. Upon completion of the trainee program, individuals are promoted to Assistant Officer roles, where salaries see a bump to ₦60,000 to ₦75,000 monthly.

Middle-Level Progression:

NNRA provides a clear career trajectory with distinct salary scales for each level. As employees accumulate experience and expertise, they ascend through the ranks, accompanied by salary increments. Here’s a breakdown of salary ranges across various levels:

  • Senior Officer: ₦80,000 to ₦100,000 per month
  • Principal Officer: ₦110,000 to ₦130,000 per month
  • Assistant Director: ₦140,000 to ₦160,000 per month
  • Deputy Director: ₦170,000 to ₦190,000 per month
  • Director: ₦200,000 and above

Additional Factors Influencing Salaries:

It’s essential to understand that the mentioned figures serve as indicators and might fluctuate based on several factors:

Job Role and Responsibilities:

Specialized positions within NNRA may command higher salaries due to their critical nature or specialized expertise.

Years of Experience and Qualifications:

Those with extensive experience or advanced qualifications may start with higher salaries or progress more rapidly.


Salaries can vary depending on the geographical location of the NNRA office.


The NNRA’s salary structure offers a glimpse into the compensation landscape for professionals venturing into the realm of nuclear safety and security in Nigeria. While entry-level salaries provide a starting point, the structured career path within NNRA allows for advancement and corresponding increases in compensation. Understanding these dynamics can help aspiring professionals make informed decisions about their career paths within the organization.


1.Are the mentioned salary figures fixed?

No, they serve as general ranges and may vary based on factors like qualifications, experience, and specific job roles.

2.Is there room for salary negotiation?

NNRA may consider negotiation, especially for candidates with exceptional qualifications or experience, but it ultimately depends on various factors and organizational policies.

3.Does NNRA offer additional benefits besides salary?

Yes, NNRA provides benefits such as healthcare, retirement plans, and training opportunities to its employees, enhancing the overall compensation package

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