Home Jamb News How To Create a Jamb Profile in 2022

How To Create a Jamb Profile in 2022

To create your Jamb profile, visit jamb portal, Click here . after which, you’ll see login page, simply click on Create an account.

After clicking on create account, you will be directed  to a page where you are to fill in your email and phone number. ensure  you input your email and the phone number correctly. Then select your secret question and put the answer. After that, click on Verify e-Mail.

upon verification, you will be directed to a page where you will be asked to input a code sent to your email. Here is how the page will show

Now, check the inbox of the email used when filling the form to get the code sent.

You can click the link they said you should click to continue your registration and it will lead you to the registration page automatically without asking for code again. But if you wanna use the code, copy it and paste it to the page it was requested and click on Verify Code.

You will now be directed to the registration page where you will fill your bio data such as Names, Address, Gender, Birthday and your desired password to the portal.

After filling the details, click on Sign up. Now, you have successfully created Jamb Profile.
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