Home Scholarship Fully Funded International Max Planck Research Scholarship 2022

Fully Funded International Max Planck Research Scholarship 2022

 International Max Planck Research Scholarship  ~

International Max Planck Research School is now accepting applications from suitably qualified students for their International Max Planck Research Scholarship. It is a fully-funded scholarship for all students.

About the Scholarship

IMPRS PhD program in Science is open to international students who intend to undertake doctoral studies at Germany’s International Max Planck Research School.

Courses Offered

1. Physics

2. Biology

3. Chemistry

4. Computer science

5. Applied Mathematics

6. Life Sciences

7. Engineering


1. The IMPRS-CellDevoSys guarantees full financial support for the entire duration of your PhD work, i.e., up to 4 years. However, PhD projects in the IMPRS cannot extend beyond 4 years.

2. Also, Financial support via an employment contract according to 65% TvöD E13 (German tariff for employees in civil service).

3. Health insurance, pension contribution, and other social benefits are available within the contract.

4. The net take-home pay for PhD students (after taxes and deductions) is a minimum of 1,700 euros per month.


1. You must hold a university degree or have a scheduled graduation date before starting your thesis work.

2. Distinctive proficiency in textbook scientific knowledge is essential. Enthusiasm and collegiality are also vital.

3. Applicants holding an excellent BSc degree are also welcome to apply, given that independent research and a written thesis are part of the curriculum.

4. Candidates previously affiliated with an IMPRS group for over 3 months are considered “internal candidates”. Internal candidates are eligible for admission. They may join a research group for PhD thesis work if the previous affiliation with this group did not exceed 12 months.

5. Internal candidates must show outstanding performance and the highest potential in order to be invited for interviews.

Click Here To Apply


1. Please acquaint yourself with the research and featured open positions.

2. Make sure that you qualify and are passionate about doing research.

3. Ask 2 referees to support your application.

4. Complete the application form.

5. Submit once your referees have contributed their recommendations.

What next?

1. Expect the first assessment of your application about 4 weeks after submitting it.

2. Then, eligible applications are considered for online Admission Committee interviews.

3. Passing the Admission Committee interview entitles admission, pending one-to-one interviews with group leaders and mutual agreement of supervision placement.

4. If successful, expect to start your PhD project between 2 to 6 months after the first assessment.

Application Deadline

Currently ongoing

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