Home Salary Structure UNICAL Non-Academic Staff Salary Structure In Nigeria

UNICAL Non-Academic Staff Salary Structure In Nigeria

Are you curious about what keeps the engine of a university running smoothly? Well, let’s talk about the unsung heroes: the non-academic staff. At the University of Calabar (UNICAL), these individuals are the backbone of operations, ensuring everything from administrative tasks to campus maintenance runs like clockwork. But behind the scenes, there’s a crisis brewing – the salary structure.

Understanding UNICAL’s Non-Academic Staff Salary Structure

Picture this: you’re just starting out as a non-academic staff member at UNICAL. While you’re excited to contribute to the university’s mission, the reality hits hard when you see your paycheck. The entry-level salary ranges from N100,000 to N150,000 per month – barely enough to cover living expenses in the pricey city of Calabar.

Now, let’s fast forward a bit. You’ve dedicated a decade of your life to UNICAL, gaining valuable experience along the way. Surely, your salary has seen a significant bump, right? Not quite. After ten years, you’re looking at a basic salary of N200,000 to N250,000 per month – a marginal increase that hardly reflects your dedication.

The Challenges of Low Salaries

So, what’s the big deal with low salaries? Well, it’s not just about the numbers on the paycheck. Low wages make it tough to attract and retain talented individuals. Many skilled staff members opt to leave UNICAL for greener pastures, whether in other universities or the private sector.

Moreover, dismal pay breeds discontent. Imagine pouring your heart into your work, only to struggle to make ends meet. It’s no surprise that low morale affects the quality of service provided to students and the university community.

And let’s not forget the wider impact – the brain drain. Talented individuals seek opportunities elsewhere, draining Nigeria of valuable skills and expertise.

Solutions in Sight

The good news? There’s light at the end of the tunnel. To address this issue, both the university administration and the government need to step up.

Firstly, UNICAL must revamp its salary structure, offering competitive wages and additional benefits like housing and transport allowances. But they can’t do it alone. The government must provide financial support to ensure these changes are sustainable.


The non-academic staff at UNICAL are the unsung heroes who keep the university running smoothly. Yet, they face a significant hurdle in the form of low salaries. By addressing this issue head-on, UNICAL can retain its talent, boost morale, and ultimately, provide a better experience for everyone involved.


1. Why don’t non-academic staff just find jobs elsewhere?

While some may consider leaving, many are deeply committed to UNICAL’s mission. However, financial stability is crucial for their well-being and job satisfaction.

2. Can’t UNICAL simply increase tuition fees to fund higher salaries?

While increasing tuition fees is one solution, it’s essential to strike a balance between affordability for students and fair compensation for staff. Additionally, alternative funding sources should be explored to alleviate the burden on students.

3. How can I support non-academic staff at UNICAL?

You can advocate for fair wages and better working conditions, whether through petitions, raising awareness, or engaging with university leadership and government officials. Your voice matters in driving positive change

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