Home Past Questions & Answers Oando Graduate Job Test Prep Pack

Oando Graduate Job Test Prep Pack

Oando Graduate Job Test Prep Pack  – One sure way of having 100% success in the test exercise is by practicing beforehand for the interviews and assessments required. Even if you have all the necessary requirements or complete credentials to apply for a position, if you don’t pass the job test, you won’t be accepted. So, this graduate job test is what shows that you really deserve the position you are applying for.

What You Should Know About Oando Graduate Job Test

Oando Graduate Job Test is conducted by the Oando workforce. The Job Test test involves 2 stages. First is the Online Aptitude Test which normally takes 7 minutes. And the other one is a Physical Verification Test.
The Online Aptitude Test has 20 which has to do with Numerical tests (Maths) & Error checking.
On the other hand, the Physical Verification Test contains a mix of Numerical, Verbal, and Abstract reasoning, Logical, SJT, and personality test. The questions are always unique each year but the format remains the same.
Note, your assessments will depend on the role you are applying for.
Numerical reasoning questions test your ability to calculate. It includes calculation tests, questions about facts and figures, and an assessment of quantitative abilities.
Verbal reasoning questions aim at evaluating your grammar, vocabulary, and comprehension skills. You will be given text that you will analyze, and will be asked questions based on your analyses.


In Abstract Reasoning questions, you should expect to be given multiple-choice questions about the logic of symbols and patterns, to examine how you work out new concepts and abstract ideas.
Logical questions involve Non-verbal and/ or verbal tests, that assess your information evaluation and attention to detail.
SJT which means Situational Judgement Test questions give you various scenarios in detail and you will be expected to select a response to each. This section aims at evaluating your problem-solving skills.
Finally, the personality test aims at assessing your dominant traits by asking Yes/No questions, statements with Least-Most scales, and similar questions.
Therefore, our Ebook which is a compilation of the test’s past questions is designed to help you pass the Oando Graduate Job Test. The explanations, advice, and answers will ensure that you pass the test.
Note, You may be expected to take an online test. If you are successful, you could be invited for father tests or be scheduled for an interview

Why You Should Get Oando Graduate Job Test Prep Pack

Studying with the Oando Graduate Job Test Questions prep pack is one sure way of getting ready for the test. This prep pack will help you understand the nature, pattern, and structure of the questions and how they will come.
One sure thing about Oando Job aptitude test questions is that they repeat questions almost every year of recruitment. The only difference is that some are been twisted. Now, studying our Job test questions prep pack will provide you with insight into what to expect.
So, if you can get hold of the Oando Aptitude Test Prep Pack and get familiar with it, you are already some steps ahead of other candidates in securing the job.
Furthermore, the Ebook we are offering you answers all the kinds of questions you will likely meet on your interview day. Having seen the nature of the exam above, it is necessary to pick up this Ebook for easy means of preparation.

How To Get Oando Graduate Job Test Prep Pack

The Oando Graduate Job Test Prep Pack cost N2,000 and to get it, follow the steps below:

STEP 1: Select Your Payment Method

There are two methods of purchasing our original Vetiva Capital Aptitude Test Prep Pack. They are:

  • Bank Transfer
  • Direct Bank Deposit

For any of the payment methods above, you’ll be paying into the account details below:

  • Account Number: 2180331206
  • Account Name: Nwachukwu Charles Chibueze
  • Bank Name: United Bank for Africa (UBA)

STEP 2: Confirmation of Payment

If you choose Bank transfer, type in the description of payment: “Oando Graduate Job Test Prep Pack” Then contact the number below or email address with evidence of payment and you will get your Past Question instantly.

If you choose Direct Bank deposit, make payment to the account details above, then send the following information to the phone number or email below:

1. Depositors Name
2. Teller Number
3. Amount Paid

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EMAIL: org.9jacompass@gmail.com

Other Important Past Questions

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