Do you have an urgent need for cash to settle bills, then get our exquisite loan to take care of emergencies or grab an opportunity? Does payday seem so far and bills are piling up? Don’t worry! Our convenient, secure and instant credit have got you covered.
Simple Repayment Terms and Rates
There are no hidden charges, our repayment terms are clear and convenient, and you don’t need to have a
cheque book.
Hassle Free
Easy to use tools from anywhere. Instant cash immediately your credit is approved . No gimmicks,
confusing terms or
hidden charges.
Also See: FG Offer Stress Free Loan For Affordable Housing In Nigeria
Instant Cash Loan
Whenever or wherever you need cash,
we’re right there.
Representative example:lend amount of ₦3,500,000 borrowed
for 12 months. Monthly Interest Rate:- 2.99%. No other fees
Minimum and maximum loan term: 3 – 12 months.
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