Home Salary Structure FUDMA Non-Academic Staff Salary Structure

FUDMA Non-Academic Staff Salary Structure

In the bustling landscape of Nigeria’s educational institutions, Federal University Dutsin-Ma (FUDMA) stands tall as a beacon of learning and growth. However, behind the scenes, a silent struggle brews among its non-academic staff—a struggle born from inadequate salaries and diminishing morale.

Understanding the Salary Structure at FUDMA

Imagine dedicating your time and energy to support the smooth functioning of a university, only to receive a paycheck that barely covers your basic needs. This is the reality for many non-academic staff at FUDMA. Entry-level positions offer salaries ranging from a meager N150,000 to N200,000 per month—a far cry from sustaining a decent livelihood in Katsina State.

With years of experience, one would expect a significant increase in compensation. Sadly, even after a decade of service, non-academic staff may find themselves earning just N250,000 to N300,000 monthly—hardly a reward for their dedication and commitment.

The Challenges Ahead

The repercussions of this salary structure reverberate throughout FUDMA and beyond. Qualified staff are lured away by better-paying opportunities elsewhere, leaving vacancies that are difficult to fill. Morale among existing staff plummets, impacting the quality of services provided to students and the university community. Moreover, this salary disparity contributes to the larger issue of brain drain, as skilled individuals seek greener pastures outside Nigeria’s borders.

Seeking Solutions

It’s evident that change is imperative. FUDMA’s administration must prioritize the welfare of its non-academic staff by revising the salary structure and offering additional benefits like housing and transportation allowances. Government intervention in the form of financial assistance could provide much-needed support to facilitate these improvements. Additionally, non-academic staff unions should engage in constructive negotiations with university authorities to address these longstanding issues.


The plight of non-academic staff at FUDMA is a call to action for all stakeholders involved. Improving salary structures and working conditions is not just a matter of fairness; it’s crucial for the university’s sustainability and growth. Let us join hands in advocating for change and ensuring that every member of the FUDMA community receives the recognition and compensation they deserve.


1. Why is it important to address the salary issues of non-academic staff at FUDMA?

Ensuring fair compensation is crucial for employee retention, morale, and the overall quality of services provided by the university. Addressing these issues fosters a positive work environment and contributes to the institution’s success.

2. How can individuals contribute to advocating for change at FUDMA?

Individuals can support initiatives aimed at improving non-academic staff salaries by raising awareness, engaging in constructive dialogue with university authorities, and joining efforts led by staff unions or advocacy groups.

3. What long-term benefits can be expected from addressing these salary challenges?

By addressing salary challenges, FUDMA can attract and retain top talent, enhance employee satisfaction and productivity, and ultimately elevate the university’s reputation and academic standing

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