~ 2022 Africa Excellence International Scholarships ~
The University of Newcastle is now accepting applications from suitably qualified students for their Africa Excellence International Scholarships. It is a fully-funded scholarship for all students.
About the University of Newcastle
The history of the University of Newcastle, as for all great universities, has been characterised by leaders who have been willing to challenge the status quo and transform fields of education and research.
Since its foundation, the staff, students and leaders of the University have introduced unique ways of thinking and operating that have led to remarkable outcomes.
Aim and Benefits of Africa Excellence International Scholarships
The scholarship is valued at AU$10,000 for each year of study under a full-time study load apportioned over each course taken, equating to a value of $1250 per course.
Requirements for Africa Excellence International Scholarships
To be eligible, the applicants must meet all the following criteria:
1. Hold a passport from one of the 54 countries of Africa.
2. Be commencing study in an eligible undergraduate or postgraduate coursework degree program at the University (excluding ELICOS, Enabling, Non-Award, and Higher Degrees by Research programs and programs delivered at offshore campuses).
3. Be an International full-fee paying student.
4. Be commencing in an eligible program at an Australian or online campus as indicated in your Letter of Offer.
5. Not be the beneficiary of a separate University scholarship unless prior approval for special dispensation has been obtained.
6. Meet all of the financial obligations of a full-fee paying international student.
Application Deadline
August 1, 2022